Institute of Social Studies and Humanities

Institute of Social Studies and Humanities

Institute of Social Studies and Humanities was founded in 2015 due to merge of  Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and other faculties. Nowadays Institute consists of 11 Departments. Each Department has its own well-developed research profile, but conducts cross-disciplinary research with other Departments.
The graduates can work as teachers of history, law and history of religions.

Educational Programmes of 2024/2025 Academic Year


Department of government and municipal management
Department of history
Department of philosophy
Department of cultural studies
Department of theoretical and special sociology
Department of economical theory and management
Department of educational systems management n.a. Shamova
Department of law
Department of theory and history of government and law
Department of criminal studies
Department of civil studies
Faculty of Regional Studies, and Ethnic and Cultural Education
UNESCO Chair “International Education and the Integration of Migrants”


  • Applied philosophy
  • Ethnoculturalism and religious studies
  • Social studies, world religions and secular ethics
  • Social studies and law
  • Sociology
  • Finance and international business strategic management
  • Ceative industries and contemporary cultural studies
  • Law
  • State and municipal administration
  • History and educational work
  • Regional Studies of Russia


Master Programs

  • Creative activity and socio-cultural engineering in education
  • Theory and methods of teaching law
  • Management in Education
  • Marketing and international business management
  • Sociology of marketing and social communications
  • Management in socio-cultural environment
  • Civil service organization
  • Educational systems management
  • Russian cultural heritage and educational tourism
  • Expertise in the system of education
  • Ethnicity, denomination and education
  • History of world art, museum and exhibition management
  • Law and educational organizations
  • Business culture and business communications
  • Financial management
  • International business
  • Legal support of migration processes
  • Legal support of political and social activities
  • Civil rights, family law, private international law
  • Pedagogical management
  • Project management
  • Internet sociology
  • International Entrepreneurship and World Trade
  • Interethnic and Inter-confessional Relations in Education
  • Teaching and popularization of the Russian language, culture and history of Russia among foreign citizens
Head of the Institute
Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Rostislavlev

Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Rostislavlev
Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical sciences


Institute of Social Studies and Humanities
Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)
88 Vernadsky prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571



