Dean: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Pavel Anisimov
About the faculty
The musical faculty of MPSU was opened in 1959. The initiators of its creation were famous musicians-teachers: Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky, Olga Aleksandrovna Apraksina, Nina Nikolaevna Dobrovolskaya, Igor Petrovitch Geynrikhs and Grigory Mikhaylovich Dinor.
The active role in organization of new direction of teaching music played the Rector of Moscow State Concert Hall n.a.P.I.Tchaikovsky Alexander Sveshnikov.
Active participation in faculty formation and development was accepted by prominent experts–professors: choral conductors — Claudia Fillippovna Nikolskaya, Olga Pavlovna Sokolova, Andrey Dmitriyevich Kozhevnikov; vocalists — Anzhelina Georgiyevna Menabeni, George Ivanovich Urbanovich, the national actor of Russia Sergey Borisovich Yakovenko; theorists — Nikolay Aleksandrovich Dolmatov, Michael Iosifovich Royterstein, Victor Yakovlevich Solodukho, Anatoly Isaakovich Volkov; pianists Jacob Isaakovich Milstein and Oleg Dragomirovich Boshnyakovich, etc.
Today the faculty of music is the flexible, dynamic, actively developing structure open for innovative projects, adjusted on the creative search, vividly reacting to inquiries of time. Scientists and performing musicians fruitfully work at faculty recognized in Russia and abroad: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Gennady Moiseevich Tsypin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Tatyana Gennadyevna Mariupolskaya, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Galina Pavlovna Stulova, the national actress of Azerbaijan, the deserved actress of Russia Tamilla Zaidovna Makhmudova, the National actor of Ukraine, the Honored artist of Russia Alexander Petrovitch Tsilinko, the deserved actress of Russia, professor Svetlana Mikhaelovna Miroshnichenko, State Prize Winners Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Eduard Borisovich Abdullin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Elena Vladimirovna Nikolaev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Alla Vladimirovna Toropova.
The faculty realizes modern main and additional professional educational programmes, programmes of retraining and professional development of musical and pedagogical staff of Russia and foreign universities.
The postgraduate study and doctoral studies act on faculty, as well as specialized council for master’s and doctoral dissertations works.
Now the faculty carries out the preparation of students on the following main educational programmes of a full-time course of study:
- A bachelor degree in the Pedagogical education direction, the Music and Additional education profiles
- A bachelor degree in the Pedagogical education direction, a profile «Additional (musical) education in the field of variety and jazz art»
- A bachelor degree in the Vocal art direction, a profile «Academic singing»
- A bachelor degree in the direction «Tool art», the Piano profile
- A magistracy in the Pedagogical education direction, master programs «Musical culture and art», «Pedagogics and psychology of music education».
Each year, students and teachers of musical faculty become laureates and winners of numerous international and national competitions and festivals of performing arts.