Institute of Philology, established in 2016, is a successor of the Philological faculty that was established in 1900. The Institute is proud to have a number of brilliant Russian scientists as teachers and researchers: linguist and representative of the Moscow school of phonology A. Reformatsky; philologist A. Losev; literary critic and philologist V. Vinogradov; historian N. Piksanov and many others. Now the Institute is one of the biggest MPGU academic units — more than 2000 students study here.
- Educational and awareness-raising activity (theology)
- Russian as a foreign language and a foreign language (English)
- Russian and a foreign language (English/Chinese)
- Russian as a foreign language
- The Russian language and literature
- Literature and history
- Russian and inclusive education
- Foreign philology
- Applied philology
- Literature and global art culture
- Literature and Russian as a foreign language
- Russian and special pedagogy
- Applied and theoretical linguistics
- Russian literature: contemporary interpretations
- Turkic philology and culture
- International political and legal discourse
- International literature in cultural context
- Slavic philology and culture
- Teaching Russian in the contemporary sociocultural environment
- Theory and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language
- Contemporary paradigm of teaching Russian
- Contemporary strategies in literature education
- Pedagogical engineering in philological education
- Ancient languages and culture in the context of contemporary education
- Foreign literature in the context of the contemporary culture
- Tatar philology
- Russian literature: from antiquity to modernity
- Russian language in different communicational spheres
- Medialinguistics
- Fundamental and applied linguistics
- Contemporary literature and reading practices
- Methods of teaching Russian in polycultural environment
- Contemporary strategies in teaching literature
- Rhetoric and language sciences
- Active processes in philological education
- School of T. Ladynezhskaya «Communicational rhetoric»
- Historical, linguistic and comparative school of I. Dobrodomov
- Contemporary literature in its cultural context
- School of V. Golubkov «Theoretical foundations of teaching literature at school»