The conference will be held within framework of the project on comparative analysis of the effectiveness of educational programs in mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, biology system of general education in China, South Korea and Singapore. It will be done in order to distribute the best international practices in educational system of the city of Moscow, executed by order of the Department of Education of Moscow.
The main goal of conference is to familiarize with the practice of teaching in mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, which actualize in China, South Korea and Singapore.
In addition to the plenary sessions the conference program will include seminars, workshops and webinars.
The conference will be attended by experts from East China Normal University (Shanghai, China); College of General Education, Dankook University (Republic of Korea); National Institute of Education (Republic of Singapore).
The conference will be held in the main building of Moscow State Pedagogical University (1/1 M. Pirogovskaya Str).