On May 31, 2019 MPGU Rector A. V. Lubkov made a speech at International scientific and practical conference “Problems of academic staff competence building in pedagogical institutes of higher education: new workforce for high school”. Forum was organized by Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities, MPGU, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The event took place in Almaty (Kazakhstan republic).
Project session “New workforce for high school”, workshops, round table for winners of international competition for young teachers “Learning how to teach” and young teachers of Commonwealth of Independent States were part of the conference. Takir Balikbayev, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Rector, opened the conference with a speech in which he addressed problems, achievements and future of the development of pedagogical workforce in Eurasia.
As for A. Lubkov, he discussed general pedagogical problems, attracting the audience’s attention to a teacher’s mission, and a big role of personal factor in education. In his perspective, this, but not technological component, is the foundation for a successful educational process. He also reminded that both a teacher and a student should work in a creative environment. Such environment, he added, can be found in MPGU, Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities and Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The session was successful for all parties due to exchange of ideas and experience.