On March 18, 2023, an INTERNATIONAL RUSSIAN-CHINESE PEDAGOGICAL FORUM was held dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, one of the founders of scientific pedagogy in Russia.
More than 200 representatives of Russian and Chinese educational organizations took part in the forum. There were greetings from the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation S.S. Kravtsov, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor, Academician O.Y. Vasilyeva, Vice-Rector of Beijing Pedagogical University, Professor Zhou Zuoyu, member of the Chinese Society of Higher Education, Professor Shi Ketsan.
The Forum participants discussed important issues of education and upbringing presented in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, highlighted the ideas of the great scientist about the role of the teacher and the interpretation of his rich heritage in modern conditions.
The first report was presented by Gu Mingyuan, a 1956 graduate of the MGPI named after V.I. Lenin, a professor at Beijing Pedagogical University. Chinese scientist and reformer Tao Xinzhi said that life is education, and society is a school. The works of K.D. Ushinsky are not only a national treasure of Russia, but also have an impact on the development of pedagogy and the basics of education in China.
The presentation of the national foundations of the education of the personality of K.D. Ushinsky was made by the rector of the MPGU Alexey Vladimirovich Lubkov. Highlighting the ideas of the founder of russian pedagogy, Alexey Vladimirovich drew attention to the key role of the individual in the national education system. He talked on the idea of unity of upbringing and training, support for the physical and mental vigor of the child, focusing on the most important element of education – the language of the people, which is the inheritance that creates and transmits countless generations and still continues to be the basis of his formation as a citizen.
The wide scope of the speeches, the in-depth analysis of the works of K.D. Ushinsky, the presentation of his thoughts in a modern reading allow us to speak about the importance of preserving the creative heritage of the great teacher and his most important role in the development of modern education.