Requirements for provided materials

Information for authors

  • Articles for publication in the journal should be sent to the following e-mail address:
  • The editorial board is ready to cooperate with the authors, whose materials contain the results of independent researches of the subjects that relate to the sphere of the journal. Provided materials should not be previously published in other journals.
  • All the published materials are reviewed by competent experts and placed in print version of the journal, on the website of the journal in Russian and English versions as well as in Scientific Digital Library.

1. Basic requirements for the materials

1.1.  The materials should be sent to the Editorial office ( They should include the following elements: codes of UDC and LBC, title of the material, abstract, keywords, text of the article, list of sources and literature, information about author/authors. Title of the article, abstract, keywords and information about the author should be presented both in Russian and English languages.

1.1.2.  The titles of the scientific articles should be informative, short and should reflect the essence of the thematic contents of the material. In the title, the authors can use only standard abbreviations. Translated title of the article should not contain any transliteration from the Russian language excepting untranslatable names of proper names, instruments and other objects that have their own names. Untranslatable slang known only to the Russian-speaking specialists should not be used either.

1.1.3.  Abstract in Russian should be designed in accordance with State Standard 7.9-95, State Standard R 7.0.4-2006, State Standard 7.5-98 with volume of 100-250 words (according to the State Standard it has 850 signs and not less than 10 lines). It is placed after the title and author’s/authors’ name.
The detailed recommendations for designing the English version of the annotation are provided in the Supplement 1.

1.1.4.  Keywords are 5-10 basic terms used in the article. Keywords should be arranged in the right way – from the most general words, relating to the problem, to more differentiated ones, corresponding to the description of research participants and methods.

Words of laboratory jargon and neologisms, too long word groups and sentences with homogeneous members cannot be used as keywords. It is better to use keywords which are often found in other publications on the same subject. Keywords should be given in the Nominative case.

1.1.5.  List of references should include links to recent studies published in the last five years, including foreign ones. At best, the list should not have less than 10 sources. References to articles published in frequently cited foreign journals over the past three years are especially desirable. References should be given in order of citation and should be in accordance with the requirements of State Standard 7.1-2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of composition». The references are marked in the text through sequence numbers in square brackets. Reference to the page is separated from the reference to the source through the comma. If in the square brackets the links to several sources are provided at the same time, they should be separated from each other by a semicolon (for example, [1, p. 25] or [1, p. 26; 5, p. 17]). Links to Internet-resources are listed in the general list of references with the obligatory indication of the address of the site where this article is posted, and of the date it is submitted or of the date of the last check of the resource (for example, Васильев, В.В. Неизвестный Юм // Вопросы философии. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 127–139 [Электронный ресурс] / В.В. Васильев. – URL: content&task=view&id=884&Itemid=52 (accessed 12.06.2014)). References are given in accordance with State Standard  7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of composition”.

The author is responsible for the reliability of information, the accuracy of citations and the references to official documents and other sources.

1.1.6.  Bibliographic record in transliterated form (transforming from Russian into the Latin alphabet) is given in the following order: authors (transliteration), title of the article in the transliterated version, translated title of the article into English in square brackets, the name of the source (transliteration, in italics), the output data with abbreviations in English or only numerical. Separation signs «/», «//», «-» are replaced by commas, as in foreign databases the programs do not recognize them. Place of publication has to be written in full (for example Moscow instead of M.) Number of pages should be written in the form «pp.» (for example: Васильев, В.В. Неизвестный Юм // Вопросы философии. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 127–139. Transliterated vesion: Vasil’ev V.V. Neizvestnyj Jum [Uknown Hume], Voprosy filosofii, 2014, No 1, pp. 127–139).

The detailed recommendations for transliterating are provided in the Supplement 2.

1.1.7.  Published information about the author should be submitted for each co-author of the scientific article:

  • surname, first name, patronymic name (in full);
  • place of work, academic or scientific unit: department, center, laboratory, etc. (without abbreviations; acronyms are not allowed, it is recommended to use the translated version of the conventional name of the organization);
  • job title, academic title or status, academic degree;
  • place of studying (student, post-graduate student, post-doctoral student and the name of the educational institution with indication of the scientific unit);
  • e-mail, work phone number;
  • country (for foreign authors). The author’s name is given in the nominative case.

For cooperating with the authors the editorial staff should be provided with telephone number (preferably mobile) and with home address with postal index (this information will not be published).

In the case of collective publication the manuscript should be signed by all the authors.
The names of the authors of articles in transliterated form should conform to author’s profiles, available in the database in order to facilitate the identification and integrating the data about their publications and citation under one profile (with author’s ID).

Moreover, it is important for authors to keep specifying one place of work, as the data on the affiliation with the organization is one of the crucial sign for author’s identification.

1.2.  The recommended volume of the article is up to 40 thousand signs including spaces (author’s sheet) for post-doctoral students and up to 20 thousand signs including spaces (half author’s sheet) for post-graduate students. The text should be typed in Word: Times New Roman, size – 12, line spacing – 1, margins – 2 cm on all sides. For emphasizing use italics or bold.

1.3.  Illustrations (photos, drawings, schemes, graphs, diagrams, maps) should be submitted as a separate file in TIF or JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 DPI. Vector formats (AI, EPS) are also possible. The text should contain links to the illustrations that are numbered and accompanied by captions.

Tables are typed in the same font as the main text, but smaller (size 10). Each table in the text should be referred. The word «table» in the text is printed in abbreviated form («Tab.»), and above the table in full. Tables must have the titles. Names of table columns are capitalized, and subordinate ones are lowercased. If the table is placed along the page, it should be left-justified. The head of the table must be separated from the rest of the table. If the numerical data in some columns of the table is not indicated, it should be marked in the column with blanc. If the table has a continuation, its name should not be repeated, and above the table should be written: «Continuation of the table» and its number. In the text, tables and captions abbreviations are not allowed (except generally accepted, State Standard 7.12-77).

Formulas should be typed in the Equation Editor of Word. Division of formulas is permitted on the signs «plus» and «minus», less often on the sign «multiplication». These signs are repeated at the beginning and at the end of division. Formulas should be numbered (continuous numbering in the whole article using Arabic numerals). Formula numbers should be given in round brackets at the right margin of the page.

Scanned versions of illustrations, tables and formulas are not allowed.


2. Basic requirements for submitting the materials

2.1.  Post-graduate students should also provide a Proof of student status affixed with the seal of the university.

The journal follows the rules of double «blind» (anonymous) review. Interaction of authors and reviewers is implemented only through the editorial staff. The editorial staff reserves the right (in agreement with the author) of reducing the volume of material and literary editing, as well as of the refusal to publish (on the basis of the review of members of the editorial board), if the article does not conform to the profile of the journal or it has quality problems in material presentation. Manuscripts rejected after reviewing are not examined once again. In case of article rejection the editorial board sends to the author a reasoned refusal.

Scanned versions certificates of authors that do not live in Moscow and Moscow region should be sent to the Editorial office to the e-mail address of the journal and the originals of these documents should be sent to the postal address of the Editorial office (119991, Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya d. 1, s. 1, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Publishing Activity and Innovative Projects Office, Journal «Science and School»).

2.2.  Articles sent to the Editorial office without compliance with these conditions will not be accepted.

2.3.  Articles are published routinely free of charge. Post-graduate students are free from publication fee.

The point of view of the authors of our publications does not obligatorily reflect the opinion of editorial staff. Authors of articles remain fully responsible for the accuracy of provided information, citations, references and bibliography.

Reprint of the materials published in the journal is impossible without the written permission of the editorial board.