About the journal


“LOCUS: people, society, cultures, meaning” – Russian interdisciplinary journal focused on the study of the topical issues in history, political science, and sociology. It also presents new archival documents as well as translations of foreign archival and narrative sources.

The journal is in the List of the approved and recommended journals by VAK of the Russian Federation (07.00.00 History and Archeology, 23.00.00 Political Science).
Certificate of registration of mass media: ПИ № ФС 67762 от 17.11.2016.
ISSN 2500-2988

Subscription zip code is 65060 in “Rospechat” catalogue


History and Archeology
National History (the History of Russia)
General History
Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research
History of Science and Technology
History of International Relations and Foreign Policy

Theory, methods and history of sociology
Economical sociology and demography
Social structure, social institutions and processes
Political sociology
Sociology of culture
Sociology of management

Theory and Philosophy of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science
Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies
Political Culture and Ideology
Political Problems of International Relations, Global and Regional Development
Political Regionalistics. Ethnopolitics

Editorial office
Managing editor – Lika Aleksandrovna Kozarenko
Editors – Alla Aleksandrovna Alekseeva, Veronica Vladimirovna Borshcheva
Design – Natalia Aleksandrovna Popova

Address: 109240, Moscow, Verkhnyaya radishchevskaya street, D. 16–18, room 223,
from 09.30 to 17.30.
Phone: (495) 647-44-77, EXT. 1351.
E-mail: izdat_mgopu@mail.ru