
Moscow State Pedagogical University is a candidate for participation in the Priority-2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program ( The goal of Priority-2030 is to create a broad group of universities that will become leaders in the creation of new scientific knowledge, technologies and developments for implementation in the Russian economy and social sphere.

The development program of MPGU for 2021-2030 within the framework of the program «Priority-2030» was considered at the meeting of the Commission (sub-commission) of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on the selection of educational organizations of higher education for participation in the strategic program of academic leadership «Priority-2030» and published on the website «Priority-2030».

The mission of the Moscow State Pedagogical University is to educate the teacher of the future who has innovative thinking, masters modern technologies of education, upbringing and personal development, oriented to solve in his professional activity the problems of formation of a moral personality, patriot and citizen, aware of responsibility for the present and future of Russia, an active participant in the process of achieving the national development goals of the Russian Federation in the conditions of systemic transformation of society and its digitalization, changes in the world of modern childhood.

The strategic goal of the Moscow State Pedagogical University for the period up to 2030 is to strengthen its position as a leading scientific and educational center that meets the modern and future needs of the Russian state and society by educating a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality on the basis of spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions.

The target model of the MPGU is a leading university that makes a significant contribution to the strengthening and development of human resources, scientific, technological and educational potential of the educational sector of the Russian Federation.

The development program of MPGU provides for the implementation of 4 strategic projects: «New Education: a Spectrum of Possibilities for the Teacher of the Future», «Teacher Training to Solve the Problems of Socialization and Education», «Humanitarian and Educational Mission of the Teacher», «Equal Opportunities for All: Inclusion as a Reference Point of the New Pedagogy».