Climate Action Plan

MPGU: Climate change and sustainable development
Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) intends to develop its Climate Action Plan (CAP). The development of CAP is a logical continuation of climate change educational and research activities already carried out by the University and has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability.
For example, in December 2021 a technological park of universal pedagogical competencies Technopark  was opened at MPGU ( Technopark aims to provide infrastructure and support facilities needed to train a wide range of students. Technopark hosts many educational and research groups one of which is dedicated to the topic «Alternative Energy Sources».
In 2020 MPGU project «Eco-friendly and Climate Change Education: EU Policy and Practice» (ECOEDU) ( -change-education-eu-policy-and-practice/) won a Jean Monnet program grant under the Erasmus+ program . The project was primarily initiated by MPGU Russian Institute for Advanced Study.
The project aimes to develop environmental education and sustainable development in Russia. Within the framework of this project the team draws on European policy on ecology and  European best practices in the field of environmental education, as well as present Russian practices in the area of sustainable development. The project is implemented not only by experts in the field of environmental education, but also by university students.
MPGU believes that in this matter, not only academic knowledge and the correct presentation of theoretical knowledge are important, but also a practice-oriented approach. In particular getting to know people who  work on the concept of sustainable development and promote ecological sustainability for everyone (
Institute of Physics, Technology, and Informational Systems of MPGU ( also has a laboratory ( where students can observe, practice, and experiment with physical processes in electrical circuits, learn basics of alternative energy and principles of energy saving.